Tuesday, June 3, 2008

The County Medical Examiners - Forensic Fugues And Medicolegal Medleys

Well that's a mouthful, isn't it? All jokes aside, this is the awesome full-length debut of the mysterious County Medical Examiners. There is much questioning as to who exactly the band consists of, and this blogger doesn't know the true answer. But regardless of who the band is, it is true that this is some truly awesome death metal. They are painted into the goregrind genre, but I don't see why as it sounds very much like death metal to me, perhaps there's a hint of goregrind with the vocal delivery, but the music is pure death metal. Released in 2002, this is some hard-to-find Carcass worship (just look at the Reek/Symphonies-inspired collage cover) ripped at 320 kbps for you all to enjoy. No tracklist this time, if you need it consult the Archives.

320 kbps (65.72 MB)


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